The sample format required by the ASIO driver is not supported by MAS.
A corrupt or improperly formated ASIO driver was encountered.
The ASIO driver could not be found. Locate or reinstall it, then reselect it in the hardware setup dialog.
No ASIO Drivers were found. ASIO Drivers must be located in a folder named 'ASIO Drivers' in the same folder as the host application.
The ASIO Drivers folder was not found. ASIO Drivers must be located in a folder named 'ASIO Drivers' in the same folder as the host application.
A problem was encountered in playback and recording. A glitch may have been heard.
A problem was encountered in patch-through. A glitch may have been heard.
Hardware sync can not be enabled given the current driver settings. Select a different sync source in the driver's hardware config dialog.
MOTU Audio System can not run with no outputs enabled. Enable some outputs or choose a different driver in the hardware config dialog.
The PCI-324 card is currently in use, and can not be configured at this time.
The PCI-324 card did not respond. Try rebooting.
The PCI-324 driver was not found in the MOTU folder in the Extensions folder. Quit, put a copy there, then restart and try again.
No response from the Digidesign hardware during initialization.
No supported Digidesign hardware was found. Make sure the card is correctly seated. Try rebooting.
No response from Korg 1212 card during initialization.
No Korg 1212 cards were found in the system. Make sure the card is correctly seated. Shut down, then reboot. (cold-boot, just rebooting is not sufficient)
*A sound file was queued that did not match the system settings. (bad depth, rate, or number of channels)
Could not synchronize. Make sure that you have the same driver selected for both input and output in the Sound control panel.
The Mac OS Sound Manager could not report a buffer size. Check your Sound control panel settings.
The Mac OS Sound Manager is in an inconsistent state. You may need to restart the computer.
*Function can not be called while playing at non-standard rate
*Function can not be called while hardware sync is enabled
*Function can not be called from interrupt level
*Feature not supported
*Ran out of buffers.
Ran out of record buffers. If this happens repeatedly, it may indicate that Sound Manager is in an inconsistent state, and you may need to restart the computer.
The input and output sample rate and bit size must match
*Functions were called in the wrong order
Wrong QuickTime version. 2.5 or above is required.
Wrong version of the system software. 7.5 or higher is required
Wrong version of Sound Manager. 3.2.1 or higher is required.
This model of Mac not supported
*the target is already record enabled
*a bad voice object was passed
*an item referred to by id was not found
*the effects present in the slots have mismatched numbers of inputs and outputs
*there is no effect in the given slot
*an effect was inserted on a slot already containing an effect.
*an output pair was created with an odd index.
*an input or output was created with an index that conflicts with an existing object
*an unknown driver was specified
*an operation was attempted that will only succeed when not playing
*an operation was attempted that will only succeed when playing
*an operation was attempted that will only succeed when not running
*an operation was attempted that will only succeed when running
an operation was attempted that will only succeed when not acquired
*an operation was attempted that will only succeed when acquired
*a null object was encountered
*a mono call was made on a stereo object, or vise-versa
*a setting was queued to a non-existent target
*an unsupported setting type was passed.
*a setting was passed in with an unknown or mismatched class id, instance id, or setting id
*must break the connection before making a new connection
*an operation was attempted on a bad or non existent connection
*a connection was made that formed a feedback loop
*a connection between two modules was made more than once.
A sound file region was queued too late
Too much processing or throughput attempted (sustained CPU use too high).
Too much processing attempted (peak CPU use exceeded). This may be a symptom of other problems, such as an external audio interface being off or disconnected, or a Digidesign card in the same bank of PCI slots as a SCSI accelerator.
Too much processing or throughput attempted (interrupt collision).
A memory allocation failed. Quit other applications, give them less RAM, or install more RAM in your computer.
*write before the begining of an audio buffer
*write past the end of an audio buffer
*seek before the beginning of an audio buffer
*seek past the end of an audio buffer
*a processor was found in an invalid state
*client passed an invalid argument to the system
*invalid internal state
the application requires a more recent version of the audio system; get a newer version of the audio system
the application attempting to use the audio system is too old; applications must be compatible with version 1.0
Internal buffer not ready (Too many tracks? Too many effects?)
Internal buffer not ready (Too many tracks? Too many effects?)
File buffer not ready (Disk is too slow? Too many tracks?)